Summer Care

For 2025, we are introducing Summer Care for children aged 5-12 based on feedback from parents. The hours for this program run from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM with drop off and pick up anytime during those hours. This a monthly program that includes each of the 4 Summer Camp weeks activities for FREE (see Summer Camps in the menu). Minimum class enrollment requirements apply. Immersion reserves the right to cancel any class should minimum enrollment not be met. A full refund will be issued.

Registration is now open. There are sibling discounts available at 10%. The first session is from June 2nd to June 27th and the second session is from July 7th to August 1st. Each month of care is $1,320. Lunch and snack are included.

For registration or additional information about Summer Care please click the register now button. You will be taken to a page to collect some registration information and then we will follow up with you to collect additional paperwork.

Summer Care

In addition to the included Summer Camps during Summer Care, we have STEM based activities each Thursday. The remainder of the time will be spent on free educational play with Legos, arts and crafts and access to our 20'x20' bounce house and augmented reality rock climbing wall.

We will share the full months lesson plan at the beginning of each session.

Summer Fun!

Activity #1

On the first Thursday of the session we will make our very own Ice Cream! Each student will have the opportunity to make their own individual ice cream and eat it after they have completed the activity. They will have their choice of sprinkles or other toppings to add before they indulge in the efforts of their labor.

Activity #2

On the second Thursday of the session we will make our own rockets. All students will have the opportunity to learn about what makes rockets fly, the physics of different forces involved and the chance to make many different models to see which ones fly the farthest or highest.

Each rocket will be colored and decorated to each students design and interest.

Activity #3: Field Trip

Our Field Trip will be to the playground located at the Aerospace Museum of California. This is a spectacular place for children to explore and have fun imagining the world around them.

A sack lunch will be required with a hat, sunscreen and water bottle.

Activity #4

Our final activity is a marshmallow shooter! These devices are the ultimate play toy for students that illustrate wind forces. The toys can be used to propel marshmallows at targets or to knock cups off a table.

Each student will get to make their own shooter and decorate it with different kinds of tape to personalize it. They then get a bag of mini marshmallows to play with (or eat in most cases).