Immersion Academy
Welcome! And thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our school with you.
Immersion Academy is a Private School for students K-5. We are open from 7:45 am to 5:00 pm with 6 academic hours per day. We include afterschool time from 3 pm-5 pm where students are expected to complete their homework so it doesn't need to go home. The maximum student to teacher ratio is 16:1 with almost 50% more instructional hours than alternatives.
Open House Dates: Next will be in June.
You must register. We have limited seats.
Table of Contents
Admissions and Application
Resources and Details
Handbook, Calendar

Our school loosely follows the Reggio Emilia philosophy of education. We believe the environment is the third teacher (parents and educators being the other two), that project based learning fosters memorable learning experiences where students develop critical thinking skills. We also believe that educators are not parents and that parents have a strong role in helping students achieve academic success through attention and appropriate behaviors.
Higher level students can be some of the best teachers for lower level students and while lower level students gain knowledge, higher level students gain confidence, self esteem and empathy. We do not subscribe to the ideal that everyone is a winner. Learning how to cope with not winning is a skill that can propel self-determination and a strong work ethic.
We believe in respect for every individual and the values that other people hold close. At the same time, in a project based learning environment each student is required to learn group and social skills. The modern work place requires these skills and they are best learned from an early age.
We also reward positive behaviors and academic achievement with bonus field trips and special fun projects.
Other educational institutions use children as fundraising tools. We do not require or encourage fundraising.
Our school works for parents by providing flexibility on attendance (you can distance learn from us as long as your student is in good standing), you can take vacations without having the superintendent contacting you, we have longer hours to accommodate parents work schedules, we do our homework at school and you can check your students progress daily. Our teachers will even send pictures so you can see how your student is doing.
Academic Achievement
Our core goal is academic achievement in core skills. Elementary school is where students lay the foundation for future success. Math, reading and writing are the core skills that all others are built upon. We support students to learn at their own pace and in a medium that is most appropriate for their learning style. Our system of learning (see below) embodies how we achieve these goals for each student and the research that backs up the success of these systems.
Personal Achievement
Elementary school is about the 3 R's but if the environment and person is not ready for learning, then success will be blunted. For that reason we value humbleness, leadership, supportive group work, citizenship and taking responsiblity for oneself and their actions. As the saying goes "attitude is everything".
The system we have in place to support learning is multi-modal and multi-faceted. Low teacher to student ratios contribute to more attention and focus from teachers and less opportunity for students to engage in counter-productive behaviors. Our teachers are not over burdened or over worked. We have more instructional hours than any other program because consistent exposure and repetition of learning concepts leads to greater achievement.
Technology is a tool that can have fantastic outcomes when in capable educators hands. We use augmented reality-common core aligned education that is interactive, social and proven to lead to 86% better learning outcomes. We use online common core aligned curriculum that can be done anywhere, anytime and that can be monitored by parents with daily feedback. We use iPads everyday for learning and gaining technology skills. We have an internal economy at school where students "earn" money, "spend" money and "trade" money. We do small group STEM projects every Friday that are tied to curriculum or upcoming field trips. Together, these systems educate the whole child.

Augmented Reality Learning System
As mentioned in our Philosophy section we use many tools to facilitate educational processes.
One of our tools is IXL. Some parents may be familiar with this program as it is offered as an adjunct in some public schools already. Having a tool is one thing, knowing how to use it is another. This is one of our core tools and is common core aligned. IXL allows students to travel at their own pace and has modules for Math, Language Arts, Science and History. Our primary focus is on the first two.

86% Increase in Student Learning
7x More Student Engagement
33% Boost in Teacher Performance

Our second tool is from EdMotion Learning and is our augmented reality learning system. This mixed reality learning system encourages physical movement, social skill building and interactivity that is unmatched by any other system. This tool is common core aligned.
Our third tool is not a formal vendor provided tool but our plentiful projects and field trips. These are fundamental in cementing student academic concepts that are learned from our other curriculum tools. These activities also serve to break up the week and keep students motivated on their learning journey.
STEM projects occur every Friday through out the school year and we take one field trip every month.
We also use Khan Academy to augment our primary teaching tools and help reinforce mastery.

Admissions, Application and Fees

Admissions is the process of touring Immersion Academy, following the application process below and, if a good fit, registering on our website for enrollment. Not every family or child will be a good fit for Immersion Academy. We want the best fit for each child and understand that in some cases, that will not be us.
The application process for Immersion Academy is straight forward. There is a financial determination, an interview and an assessment.
Financial Determination
As a private school we need to understand every families ability to afford an enhanced education. This protects our student population from students enrolling and un-enrolling thereby disrupting social and academic relationships.
The interview helps Immersion Academy understand the goals of the parents for their child, the fit of the Academy for that families goals, and whether Immersion Academy can have a positive impact.
The assessment has two components. The first is understanding the child's academic readiness and where they are in their education journey. The second is a behavioral assessment to ensure the child is ready for the environment Immersion Academy offers.
These requirements are not intended to convey exclusivity, just the opposite. They are intended to ensure there is alignment between families and school and continuity of relationships for our student population.
A final factor in determining admission is if we have open spots. We do have wait lists and we will contact prospective families on a first come first serve basis should a spot become available.
For our K-5 program we charge a flat $1500 a month and accept cash or check as payment. We have an annual one time registration fee of $200 to cover some of the technology and administrative costs of onboarding each year. If you prefer hot lunches for your child there is an optional $50 dollars per month fee. There are late fees and other charges but if you are on time and respectful (no bounced checks) the tuition is manageable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is transportation available for my child?
We do not offer transportation. For our field trips, transportation is provided.
Are uniforms required?
No, but we do have respectful guidelines for dress found in our parent handbook.
Is lunch provided?
Hot lunches are provided for an additional monthly fee of $50.00.
What are the hours of operation?
Academic Day – 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Homework hours – 3:-00 pm to 5:00 pm
Where do students typically go after graduating?
Our students are exceptionally prepared once they have graduated from our program and go on to have academic success at local public schools, private schools or college prep/home school courses.
Will the school expand to upper grade levels?
Potentially. Demand will dictate program expansion.
Is the school accredited?
We are in the process of getting our accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This process takes time and since we are new we don't expect accreditation until 2025.
Accrediting Commission for Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
533 Airport Blvd., Suite 200, Burlingame, CA 94010
4100 Baseline Road, Roseville, CA 95747